Leipziger Str. 44
39120 Magdeburg
Course | Event | offered in |
215L Macroimaging | Lecture (V) | WiSe |
215P Macroimaging | Praktikum (P) | WiSe |
Doktorandenseminar Kernspinresonanz | Seminar (S) | WiSe und SoSe |
Forschungsseminar Kernspinresonanz | Research seminar (FOS) | WiSe und SoSe |
Forschungsseminar MRT Sequenzen und Methoden | Research seminar (FOS) | WiSe und SoSe |
Grundlagen der Magnetresonanz | Lecture (V) | WiSe |
Grundlagen der Magnetresonanz Übung | Exercise (Ü) | WiSe |
Physikalisches Kolloquium | Colloquium (KO) | WiSe und SoSe |
Atom-, Molekül- u. Kernphysik | Lecture (V) | SoSe |
Atom-, Molekül- u. Kernphysik Übung |
Exercise (Ü) | SoSe |
Dynamik klassischer Spinsysteme | Lecture (V) | SoSe |
Further informations are provided in the LSF.
Did our research topics catch your interest?
Would you like to write your thesis at our department?
We are always looking for interested students. For further details contact Prof. Speck or any BMMR group member.
Leipziger Str. 44
39120 Magdeburg
Online article from "Management-Krankenhaus" (german)
Last Modification: 30.07.2018 - Contact Person: